Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Year, New Fashion

Dear my followers,
Seeing as it is a new year, I am sure that you know that style will take a turn yet again. New designs will be coming out as well as new designers. The fashion industry will be and is booming. Just thinking of all these new ideas is giving me goose bumps. My holidays were very eventful, including meeting new people and having a mini photoshoot. Yo will soon be able to see the pictures, its all very exciting. This year is going to be a good one! Fasion is going to be my best friend. I also recently gave you fashion lovers some advise to create a fashion journal or diary, well I followed my own advise and it really helps. Trust me, I created my own one and now my ideas of designs are just amazing, it feels so nice to be able to put all my ideas down and sketch them. My world is completly changing. I can feel that my year and my ideas are going to be great.
Stay following for some more great ideas and designs.